Westminster Christian Academy
Enrollment Tuition Calculator
Westminster Christian Academy

Please do not add siblings who have not been previously enrolled. They must complete the application process as a new student. This is for informational purposes only.

The student activity fee (per family) is $
We would like yearbook(s). The yearbook fee is $
The registration fee is $
(calculated per student)
(calculated per student)
The tuition/fees total is $
The minimum deposit due with this form is $
(Registration Fee + TPP Fee)
Additional payment $
Please choose your payment plan (see options the chart below)
Payment Plan   Due with Form Due dates Due Each Period
Annual $
June 15 $
Annual NoTPP: As an Annual Payor you may opt out of the Tuition Protection Plan $
June 15 $
60/40 Plan $
June 15
Dec 1
Quarterly $
June 15/Sept 15/Nov 15/Feb 15 $
Monthly $
June 15 and the 15th of each month through May 15
(with the exception of January)
The final calculation is based on the date of enrollment. Contact our Admissions Department for more information.
Parent/Guardian (print name)
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