Meet Westminster Alumnus Thomas Laborde


How long did you attend WCA?

14 years: I graduated in 2007 and I attended both campuses: Lafayette and Opelousas.

What was your favorite class at Westminster and why?

My favorite class at Westminster was definitely Bible class with Coach Vice...his passion for the Word of God was just so evident. Anything he taught he lived out. As a student, you really felt that you weren’t just being taught arbitrary rules or old stories. He brought to life what the Bible taught.

Tell us something you learned that impacted your faith walk while at WCA.

As I went to college and started getting challenged with my faith, even though there were very challenging questions and viewpoints that were contrary to what I had been taught, I never really wavered. Even though in some sense maybe I questioned them, I never wavered. Honestly, I’ve always pointed that back to not only the chapels that we had at Westminster, but just the biblical worldview. It gave me a solid foundation, and ultimately helped me in answering those questions for myself.

If there was one big lesson you learned from your time at Westminster, what would it be?

The biggest lesson I learned from Westminster was always put God first. Never, ever waiver from that. Honor God and He will direct your path.

What are you doing today in your career?

Today I am running LaBorde Therapy Center. We have three locations: Lafayette, Youngsville and Morgan City. We’re a physical and occupational therapy clinic with 30 employees, and we do all types of outpatient rehab. Our hand therapists specialize in shoulder, elbow and hand, and our physical therapists specialize in really just about anything else.

Any advice to current WCA parents?

One thing that I would say to encourage parents is this: it was incredible to see so many of my friends drift away from the Lord after high school. Even the ones that were never with the Lord during high school, now about 7, 8, 9, 10 years later, it’s absolutely incredible to see 90% of those people come back to God: because they went out, and the world did not satisfy. And when they realized this, they actually had a place to turn.


The people that aren’t raised in a Christian school or Christian home often just go bouncing to the next thing, seeking something to satisfy. But those friends remembered ‘Wait, I know what the answer is. I know where the truth is.” And it’s just incredible to see them come back to the Lord.